Sunday, March 8, 2009

Political correctness

Living in South Africa means that you are constantly surrounded by politics and fighting. If it's not refugees or xenephobia then its conspiratorial attacks on the governement and political fighting.

Yesterday prime minister Morgan T had a very bad car 'accident' in which his wife Susan was killed. Almost everyone knows it and thinks it but nobody will dare to say out aloud that it was most definitely not an accident. But it will have to be proved, if such an 'accident' happens again. Especially since Morgan survived.

Back on home soil the political parties are all waging their own wars against each other. Every light pole that you drive past on the road has a placard of a sickly smiling 'future president' pronouncing their motos. And they all seem to be taking pages from America's political race book. With almost every party having a woman leader, and all of them targeting specifically the youth.

However you have to wonder if it is at all worth it. We are after all probably the only country that has only had ex-convicts for presidents. And now with JZ running as head of the ANC you have to wonder what on earth people would be thinking voting for a man who thinks you can't get AIDS if you shower after having sex. And how on earth did he manage to escape from going to prison anyway?

With the new break away party COPE formed, a new threat is posed. But instead of the other leading party joining with COPE so as to get an almost certain win, they are instead attacking them making it even more likely for both of them to lose.

Unlike Americans, South Africans seem to vote for parties and not presidents. So because the ANC brought us out of apartheid back in the day, many people will still vote blindly for them now without even thinking about who the president will be. I would gladly vote for COPE just so that JZ doesn't have to become president. (Join my facebook group of the same name if you feel the same way) Anything to save South Africa from that man and his machine guns.

I feel like telling that to the world and making the youth of South Africa see that they must vote for a president and not a party. And that they don't have to vote the way their parents/grandparents tell them to. Times have changed and so have parties. Just because I am caucasian doesn't mean I have to vote DA. I was thinking about starting a youth march protesting and making the youth aware of this. Because I really feel as though I/we are not doing enough to help with the way our country is going.

If you too feel strongly please join my face book group or create your own. Just do whatever is possible to help the future of our country, and spread the word. Don't just sit back and say that you will move one day.

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