Looking Around
So I've been looking around the web for blogs and been doing a bit of research on them. Yet I can seem to figure out how you can get more traffic to your blog. It is dam well disheartening to know that you are sharing your life with the world, and yet the world does not want to sit up and take notice.
Could this possibly have anything to do with the fact that I dont live in America...hmmm makes you think.
But maybe my blog will be more popular next year when the worlds focus will be upon South Africa.
Another point I noticed about blogs was that the popular ones are usually quirky, and that the bloggers are usually not afraid to speak their mind. I'm not sure about the quirkiness part, but I definitely have my very own definite if somewhat explosive personality, and I always speak my mind.
So I have begun to decorate my blog and make it more personal, even adding another blog to my profile which I one day hope to turn into a mini novel. Purely because I have so much to say and I just want to share it with the world.
So to all of you who read this and understand where I am coming from, please follow me or just leave a comment. I want to know what I am doing right and what I'm not.
And if you just want to know what life is like in South Africa before you come here next year, then follow me as well. I am an uncensored and blunt version of th goings on and beauty of my country.
Signing off yet again
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