I’ve never been a person who does things ‘inside a box’ or in a specific, orderly way. As such I’ve never believed in studying things in order. But rather cover the work I’m not very sure of (read: didn’t study for the previous test) first. So with that having been said I will now do the ‘Network Layer-Logical Addressing’.
IPv4 Addresses:
IPv4 Address:
- 32 bits long
- unique (each address defines one and only one connection to the Internet)
- universal (accepted by any host connecting to the Internet)
Address Space:
- the total number of addresses used by the protocol
- each bit can have 2 values (1 or 0) therefore an address of N bits will have an address space and values equal to 2^N
- IPv4 uses a 32-bit address, so the address space is
- 2^32 = more than 4 billion (if there were no restrictions)
- Binary Notation:
- displayed as 32 bits or 4 bytes
- eg: 01110101 10010101 00011101 00000010
- Dotted Decimal Notation:
- more compact and easier to read
- written in decimal form with a decimal point separating the bytes(every 8 bits)
- eg:
- each weight is 2^pos where pos is the position of the bit
- eg: at position 0 it is 2^0 = 1, at position 1 it is 2^1 = 2
Binary to Decimal:
- Multiply each symbol by it’s weight
- Then add the results
- eg: for binary 1001110
1 0 0 1 1 1 0
pos: 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2^pos: 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
multiply: 65 0 0 8 4 2 0
Add: 65+8+4+2 = 78
therefore the decimal is 78
Decimal to Binary:
- Divide the number by 2 which becomes the ‘quotient’
- Write down the remainder (1 or 0) which is ‘the least significant binary digit’
- then divide the quotient by 2 and write down the new remainder in the next position
- (continue until the quotient becomes 0)
- eg: for decimal 78
78 / 2 = 39 r = 0
39/ 2 = 19 r = 1
19/ 2 = 9 r = 1
9 / 2 = 4 r = 1
4 / 2 = 2 r = 0
2 / 2 = 1 r = 0
1 / 2 = 0 r = 1
Therefore the binary notation is: 1001110
Classful Addressing:
- Address space is divided into 5 classes – A, B, C, D, E
- In Binary notation – use the first few bits
- Class A : 0
- Class B : 10
- Class C : 110
- Class D : 1110
- Class E : 1111
- In Decimal notation –use the first byte
- Class A : 0 – 127
- Class B : 128 – 191
- Class C : 192 – 223
- Class D : 224 – 239
- Class E : 240 – 255
Classes and Blocks:
Class Number of Blocks Block Size Application
A 128 16777216 Unicast
B 16384 65536 Unicast
C 2097152 256 Unicast
D 1 268435456 Multicast
E 1 268435456 Multicast
Therefore it can be seen that a large part of the available address space was wasted in classful addressing
Netid and hostid:
- Only given to Classes A, B, C
- Class A – 1 byte netid, 3 bytes hostid
- Class B – 2 bytes netid, 2 bytes hostid
- Class c – 3 bytes netid, 1 byte hostid
- although the netid and hostid are predetermined, a mask can also be used
- 32 bit number
- contiguous 1s followed by contiguous 0s
Default masks for classful addressing:
Class Binary Decimal CIDR
A 11111111 00000000 00000000 000000000 /8
B 11111111 11111111 00000000 000000000 /16
C 11111111 11111111 11111111 000000000
CDIR = Classless Interdomain Routing = mask = /n (n = bits)
- Only Class A or B
- divide the addresses into several contiguous groups
- each small group assigned is called a subnet
- this increases the number of 1s in the mask
- only Class C
- combine several class C blocks to create a supernet
- decreases the number of 1s in the mask
- eg: if combining 4 class Cs, the mask would change from/24 to /22
Classless Addressing:
Address Blocks:
- the size of the block is not fixed but varies
- Three rules:
- - the addresses in a block must be contiguous
- - the number of addresses in a block must be a power of 2 (1,2, 4,8….)
- - the 1st address must be evenly divisible by the number of addresses
- can take any value from 0 –32 in classless
- a block of addresses take the form:
- - x.y.z.t /n
First Address:
- convert the address to binary
- 32 - n
- set the 32 – n right-most bits to 0s
- then convert back to decimal
Last Address:
- convert the address to binary
- 32 - n
- set the 32 - n right-most bits to 1s
- then convert back to decimal
Number of Address:
- the difference between the last and first address
- use the formula 2^(32-n)
Network Address:
- the 1st address in a class of addresses is the network address
- it defines the organisation to the rest of the world
Two level Hierarchy – no subnetting:
- the n left-most bits define the network (common to all addresses in the network)
- the 32 – n right-most bits define the host to the network (change from device to device)
Three level Hierarchy – subnetting:
To subnet within an organisation and change the host:
- take the original mask of /n
- take the number of addresses needed for the first subblock and make it equal m
- use the formula 2^(32-n) = m
- workout what n must be, and that is your new mask(continue for all subblocks)
Network Address Translation (NAT):
Absolutely nothing I feel like making notes on in this section. It looks completely boring and exactly like the subnetting I have just done. So that’s that, next section:
IPv6 Addresses:
- 16 bytes or 128 bits long
Hexidecimal Colon Notation:
- each address is divided into 8 sections of 2-bytes each
- 2 bytes represents 4 hexadecimal digits
- therefore the address consists of 32 hexadecimal digits
- every four digits is separated by a colon
- eg: FDEC:0074:0000:0000:0000:B0FF:0000:FFFF
- leading 0s of a section can be dropped
- not trailing 0s
- if the section is only 0s then one 0 must be left behind
Address Space:
- larger address space of 2^128
The rest of this chapter is not for studying!!! YAYNESS!!! :D one down, only 13 more to go…
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