Thursday, November 11, 2010

Comp.-Sci. Notes: Logical Addressing

I’ve never been a person who does things ‘inside a box’ or in a specific, orderly way. As such I’ve never believed in studying things in order. But rather cover the work I’m not very sure of (read: didn’t study for the previous test) first. So with that having been said I will now do the ‘Network Layer-Logical Addressing’.


IPv4 Addresses:

IPv4 Address:

  • 32 bits long
  • unique (each address defines one and only one connection to the Internet)
  • universal (accepted by any host connecting to the Internet)

Address Space:

  • the total number of addresses used by the protocol
  • each bit can have 2 values (1 or 0) therefore an address of N bits will have an address space and values equal to 2^N
  • IPv4 uses a 32-bit address, so the address space is
    • 2^32 = more than 4 billion (if there were no restrictions)


  • Binary Notation:
    • displayed as 32 bits or 4 bytes
    • eg: 01110101 10010101 00011101 00000010
  • Dotted Decimal Notation:
    • more compact and easier to read
    • written in decimal form with a decimal point separating the bytes(every 8 bits)
    • eg:


  • each weight is 2^pos where pos is the position of the bit
  • eg: at position 0 it is 2^0 = 1, at position 1 it is 2^1 = 2

Binary to Decimal:

  • Multiply each symbol by it’s weight
  • Then add the results
  • eg: for binary 1001110

                       1     0     0    1    1    1    0

pos:              6      5     4    3    2    1    0

2^pos:          64   32   16   8   4    2    1

multiply:   65    0      0    8    4    2    0


Add:           65+8+4+2 = 78

therefore the decimal is 78

Decimal to Binary:

  • Divide the number by 2 which becomes the ‘quotient’
  • Write down the remainder (1 or 0) which is ‘the least significant binary digit’
  • then divide the quotient by 2 and write down the new remainder in the next position
  • (continue until the quotient becomes 0)
  • eg: for decimal 78

78 / 2 = 39   r = 0

39/ 2 = 19    r = 1

19/ 2 = 9      r = 1

9 / 2 = 4      r = 1

4 / 2 = 2      r = 0

2 / 2 = 1      r = 0

1 / 2 = 0      r = 1


Therefore the binary notation is: 1001110


Classful Addressing:

  • Address space is divided into 5 classes – A, B, C, D, E
  • In Binary notation – use the first few bits
    • Class A : 0
    • Class B :  10
    • Class C :  110
    • Class D :  1110
    • Class E  :  1111
  • In Decimal notation –use the first byte
    • Class A : 0 – 127
    • Class B : 128 – 191
    • Class C : 192 – 223
    • Class D : 224 – 239
    • Class E : 240 – 255

Classes and Blocks:

Class    Number of Blocks    Block Size        Application

  A           128                               16777216            Unicast

  B            16384                           65536                  Unicast

  C            2097152                      256                       Unicast

   D           1                                   268435456          Multicast

   E            1                                   268435456          Multicast

Therefore it can be seen that a large part of the available address space was wasted in classful addressing

Netid and hostid:

  • Only given to Classes A, B, C
  • Class A – 1 byte netid, 3 bytes hostid
  • Class B – 2 bytes netid, 2 bytes hostid
  • Class c – 3 bytes netid, 1 byte hostid


  • although the netid and hostid are predetermined, a mask can also be used
  • 32 bit number
  • contiguous 1s followed by contiguous 0s

Default masks for classful addressing:

Class Binary                                                                Decimal       CIDR

A     11111111 00000000 00000000 000000000        /8

B      11111111 11111111 00000000 000000000   /16

C      11111111 11111111 11111111 000000000

CDIR = Classless Interdomain Routing = mask = /n (n = bits)


  • Only Class A or B
  • divide the addresses into several contiguous groups
  • each small group  assigned is called a subnet
  • this increases the number of 1s in the mask


  • only Class C
  • combine several class C blocks to  create a supernet
  • decreases the number of 1s in the mask
  • eg: if combining 4 class Cs, the mask would change from/24 to /22

Classless Addressing:

Address Blocks:

  • the size of the block is not fixed but varies
  • Three rules:
  •           - the addresses in a block must be contiguous
  •           - the number of addresses in a block must be a power of 2 (1,2, 4,8….)
  •           - the 1st address must be evenly divisible by the number of addresses


  • can take any value from 0 –32 in classless
  • a block of addresses  take the form:
  •            - x.y.z.t /n

First Address:

  • convert the address to binary
  • 32 - n
  • set the 32 – n right-most bits to 0s
  • then convert back to decimal

Last Address:

  • convert the address to binary
  • 32 - n
  • set the 32 - n right-most bits to 1s
  • then convert back to decimal

Number of Address:

  • the difference between the last and first address
  • use the formula 2^(32-n)

Network Address:

  • the 1st address in a class of addresses is the network address
  • it defines the organisation to the rest of the world

Two level Hierarchy – no subnetting:

  • the n left-most bits define the network (common to all addresses in the network)
  • the 32 – n right-most bits define the host to the network (change from device to device)

Three level Hierarchy – subnetting:

      To subnet within an organisation and change the host:

  • take the original mask of /n
  • take the number of addresses needed for the first subblock and make it equal m
  • use the formula 2^(32-n) = m
  • workout what n must be, and that is your new mask(continue for all subblocks)

Network Address Translation (NAT):

Absolutely nothing I feel like making notes on in this section. It looks completely boring and exactly like the subnetting I have just done. So that’s that, next section:

IPv6 Addresses:

  • 16 bytes or 128 bits long

Hexidecimal Colon Notation:

  • each address is divided into 8 sections of 2-bytes each
  • 2 bytes represents 4 hexadecimal digits
  • therefore the address consists of 32 hexadecimal digits
  • every four digits is separated by a colon
  • eg: FDEC:0074:0000:0000:0000:B0FF:0000:FFFF


  • leading 0s of a section can be dropped
  • not trailing 0s
  • if the section is only 0s then one 0 must be left behind

Address Space:

  • larger address space of 2^128

The rest of this chapter is not for studying!!! YAYNESS!!! :D one down, only 13 more to go…

Comp.-Sci. Notes: Summary

So after much self bribery and deals that have never seemed to work. I have had to turn to publishing my study notes as blog entries; so as to trick myself into thinking that I’m not actually studying, but instead being creative. So herewith follows my Computer Science 2B study notes on Data Communications and Networking. Even though they have been based on a textbook and other coursework, I have added my own personal comments and notes. And of course made them objective and fun. Enjoy! (you have my full permission to use these for your own use, just make sure you extract the facts ;-) )


Here is a mind-map of the work that will be covered:

CSC2B mindmap















It looks so easy, almost no work. But its actually 14 chapters worth, and who knows how many thousands of pages. So on that note. Lets begin. *sigh*

Thursday, October 21, 2010


For the last almost two years i had the most amazing best friend. I called him squirrel. A name which originated from the movie "Up" one of our all time favourotes.

I have never written about him before, although i had promised i would on countless occasions, simply because i didnt think words would do him justice.

An amazing friend like i have never known before. He made everything in life so much better just by being in it.

*pause to wipe eyes*

However things became difficult and soon after a long trip away i lost my best friend to another faculty in varsity. Which involved seeing him at only one subject. A subject which he frequently bunked lectures for.

I missed him terribly. Dont even think he knew how much. He had done what was best for him, and i found myself always sitting next to an emmpty seat.

I started to put off my own work just to spend time with him. And in a way i resented him getting such high marks for classes he was never in. Began to wish id changed degrees the year before when he had asked me not to.

I kept trying but it wasn working. But i loved him, and yet resented him at the same time. I felllt i was the only one doing all the work in the friendship. And it was exhausting me when i saw no return.

I was feeling worse than ever and began realising my friend. My Squirrel. Had changed,

Somehow it was too much. It wasnt doing good for either of us. We couldn joke or laugh together. Or even just understand each other.

And so the most beautiful friendship the world had ever seen had to come to an end.

Yes im crying my eyes out. Yes it hurts like hell. But i will never forget even one second. Because i still love my best friend. My squirrel.

Thankyou for being you squirrel, and for all the amazing memories! You will always have a place in my heart.

Love always
Your monkey-funk
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.2

Sunday, August 29, 2010

One Week

One Week:

It’s amazing how much can change in a week. Last Friday I was happy. I was counting down the hours till this Friday – the last of the empty mornings for lectures, and sleepless nights for work….And the reward:

I was gonna go out, look fabulous and wear new clothes that I had just bought for the occasion. I was gonna meet new people,hopefully some potential love interests and just really enjoy myself.

Last Friday I ended the day on a high note – Walking to the parking lot with my ‘friends’ talking in the sunshine and joking and messing around. Great memories….If I had known then that it was all gonna change so fast, then maybe I would’ve walked even slower in my suede wedges…drawing out the moments of perfection and true happiness….But I didn’t….So now it will only be a memory of true happiness….maybe the last for a very long time…


                                                     *   *   *

On Tuesday it was coffee at Woolworths as usual….Things felt different, I felt different….Something was wrong in the atmosphere and I could feel it….it was so incredibly tangible….Maybe it caused the actual offness within me….or maybe it was the other way around….Either way, waking up late that morning, rushing to varsity and realising that they changed your maths Semester Test Venue without telling you, rushing around looking for it for 30 mins,and then collapsing in an unsexy heap in the last seat…Really did not help matters…


But there I was drinking coffee,expecting things to be amazing…but something was wrong….something had changed….Friend 1 had even ordered a white hot chocolate….maybe that should have warned me….after all it was so sweet that the smell nearly made me wanna throw up…Why didn’t he wanna order the usual gingerbread latte? Apparently he ‘wanted change’ or something like that….


He was acting weird….almost offish….I didn't really notice….after all I was just so glad to have him there; And he asked/told me that we were gonna party on Friday night….without even thinking of my previous plans - I automatically said Yes…Partying was gonna be awesome, couldn’t wait…and neither could he right?!….I turned down lunch with him after varsity though….I wasn’t feeling up to eating….I wasn’t feeling up to company….But He had confused me….with his vagueness the whole day…and the fact that I hadn’t seen him for a week….I missed him oddly enough….I couldn’t get myself to drive away but eventually did….


                                                 *   *   *

Wednesday I couldn't concentrate…I had no idea what was going on….I didn’t even know the Day…My work was completely void of any thought….But Friend 2 and Friend 1  helped…what awesome friends right?

Friend 1 persuaded me for lunch…I pushed for Mickey D’s…I couldn't drive myself all the way to the Glen….and then try to eat at M&G….I just couldn’t do it….

It was ok….we talked….After he let slip that he had gotten promoted at work over the weekend….But he had not told me,and apparently never was going to tell me….

Wednesday Night I actually had a conversation with Friend 2….which kind of turned from my genuine concern and kindness for him….Into something that almost resembled a fight…But Friend 2 and I never fight, we simply and eloquently state our very logical phrases and ideas….and we never seem to get anywhere…However I do remember being blamed quite alot throughout….But I accept responsibility, it was my fault trying to have a normal conversation….


                                                     *   *   *

Thursday was the Day I realised I had gotten played….Trying to have a normal friendly conversation with Friend 3…But he starts his asking….His insulting questions and his inability to actually give a damn what I say….Irk me…I start to get angry – the weeks pent up stress laying heavily on me…..I use exclamation marks to get my point across….I'm not shouting…I’m just trying to make myself heard….It doesn’t work….He shouts at me….And I honestly cant handle anymore…try to tell him that..and he very kindly says ‘ I don't have time for your problems’ ….I say ‘fine’ and he then asks me a disgusting question….As though he hasn’t heard enough….

All the while I have Friend 1 nagging me at the other end…yes I’m excited for tomorrow….Can’t wait to party and celebrate….Then I find out about ‘Kirsten'….Well rather I guessed and had to extract it from him….somehow this annoys me….that He cant even tell me something like this???

I decide I need to just go sleep….I log off and….stay awake all night….


                                                  *   *   *

Friday I make my self look amazing…Sms Friend 1 - 3 or 4 times, but he never arrives at Varsity….much later on, he very ignorantly sends “Sorry I missed u but i had the most amazing sleep :-)”….

I wasn’t happy….I was sad….was that selfish of me? To think that a best friend ditched me for sleeping?…..I don’t think so….And that damn smiley face was so arrogant….

I sent back a short reply….much later on I get a message telling me that he wants a ‘rain check’ but will make it up by letting us go out to dinner tomorrow….More arrogance….selfishness…not caring that I wanted to go out tonight?! Not caring that I cancelled my amazing plans without a second thought for him…and then he cancels….And more arrogance,just expecting me to be free on Saturday night….Not offering me dinner, making us take it together….No….that’s my reply…


Later on I saw on FB that he had spent the afternoon out with two other people….Explains a lot….I was back up as  usual…

                                                    *   *   *

I’ve had enough…I don't need nonsense anymore….Three friends,three almost separate incidents….three cases of absolute humiliation….Three guys who are very arrogant….


And then there is me….the sucker for punishment,who puts up with their shit for no reason….I don’t actually need them…I don't actually need friends….But I WANT them…Friend 1 is possibly out of the picture forever now….Friend 2 – is an amazing person, who somehow just seems to get me and knows how to deal with and handle me, definitely still want to stay friends there….Friend 3 - I haven’t quite decided about yet, will make it known at a later stage…

Back to Friday….


And so….I took myself out for a party and celebration….And I spoiled myself!….And that is basically my way of saying….cheers, I’m done making the effort and putting up with shit…I sure as hell don’t deserve it, not when I don’t need you (afore mentioned friend above) in the first place anyway!


                                    Au revoir Garcons!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


***Note: My long absence from writing has a very good reason…or rather a few.  I decided I was finally ok enough to write to explain the main reason, thereby releasing myself of the memory of it…and Finally coming to terms with an accident that really shouldn’t have happened so early in life…So here it is as a series of  short stories. What follows is the first of three. As always –I hope you enjoy!***


“There was a popping and tearing noise and feeling….and I let out a scream that chilled even me and curdled my blood”


The 21th May 2010 was like any other Friday. We  went off to Skating and got there early. I remember skating round and round warming up. Doing my stretches every few laps. My knee was kind of  tight and sore but I thought it was from the cold, and kept trying to get it to loosen up and make the muscles warm.


Glenda came on the ice and told us we were changing the routine, so there we were all in different places all trying our best to keep up, and remember the new steps and placing.

                                                  *   *   *

If you’ve ever seen me skate then you will know that my speciality are the bending and jumping steps. Things that require balance. My lunges are perfection and my spirals are some of the best. (It’s not arrogance its what people have told me)

If you also know something about figure skating you know that if someone falls during a routine, the rest of you have to just keep on skating…you cant spoil the entire routine for one person…they must help themselves up and skate back into place ASAP.

                                                 *   *   *

This particular routine seemed to have a lot of lunges. My knee was getting more sore, I kept stretching and flexing it. About 15 minutes in we were re-doing the beginning, yet again, I missed the first lunge by accident, turned skated forward and slid into the second….

I saw the one twin skate past narrowly missing me, it was time for the second turn. I straightened my left leg bit by bit….

My right leg was straight behind me, It was painful and then There was a popping and tearing noise and feeling….and I let out a scream that chilled even me and curdled my blood… The pain was beyond anything I had ever felt or imagined…. I saw the other twin skate past me as I fell or rather collapsed…landing, for some strange reason, on my back and right side….My head hit the ice and stunned me for a while as I watched them carry on skating….I tried to get up but when I opened my mouth it let out another scream…and then another…It just wouldn’t stop….The pain was excruciating why was no-one helping me after the first scream? ! ‘Please someone help me!’…

I looked down and what I saw actually made me start to throw up –I held it in though because I didn’t have the strength to do it, besides my mouth was too busy screaming….My knee cap was off…my right knee cap was off….through my black lycra pants I could see it….”It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts” – gasping for air now and trying not to go into shock….

My knee

People were running around me asking questions…I had subconsciously put myself in the recovery position…They wanted to move me? “no- i cant i cant”….Push the cold metal stretcher under me and lift my knee onto it…oh wow the pain….’Please please please’ tears running down my cheeks now….

I was apologising for being too heavy- saw my dad - “Phone mom, and get the medical aid numbers”…They put me in the rink first-aid room…somebody was talking to me, phoning the ambulance, holding my hand…I was so cold..My teeth started to chatter….Somebody finally realised and gave me a jacket or a blanket…or a something….I made a joke…I was joking and laughing….But the pain….maybe I was delirious….


My feet were going numb to the point of hurting….”Please my feet are numb and sore” I had to repeat it 5 times before somebody heard me over the commotion….A guy was there….I remember leaning up and they pushed me down again….He undid the laces…And yanked my left foot off….I was trying to tell him to please loosen them…when he yanked the right one off


I screamed again and squeezed the persons hand…my knee had just popped…a disgusting sickening feeling….


‘It hurts so much’…i just sobbed over and over again….

My dad appeared and I told him to please get my stuff and pack my bag…more talking trying to keep me calm….An ambulance siren…

The ambulance was here…And they would have to move me again….

Two ladies, early twenties…Examining it and realising that my knee cap was no longer hanging off –thanks to Mr.-shoe-yanker….they moved me…tried to get me to move my knee…physically impossible….the stretcher was too short…I was too heavy “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry”

‘who apologises for themselves at a time like this? Only me….’

They rolled me into the ambulance the siren went on and off we went…the younger prettier girl asked me questions - random things…I talked openly….I wasn’t in shock I told her…and then I remember telling her things like what I study and other things that she really didn't need to know….

Every turn knocked my leg and I tried to not show it by biting my hand….breaking the skin…’when are we getting there? Please let us get there soon, when are we getting there’

Finally we stopped…I was taken out and rolled into the emergency room bump bump pain pain pain pain…

Lifting me up onto the bed….taking off my pants….Being introduced to so many people…waiting for the doctor…everybody wearing those stupid football Friday shirts…Finally he came a very young doctor indeed…”How old are you?” - “20” - “Oh good then you can take control of your own medical treatment”

”Would you like some morphine?” – I just nodded… ‘oh yes please….How could he even ask?’…he had a springy step and was humming…

Yay! somebody put a drip in my arm and a monitor on my finger….And then… 6mg of morphine….I actually felt it move up my right arm…thick and deadening…and then through my heart….I will never forget the feeling of having my heart stop and hearing that nothingness that accompanies a dead heart….And I thought she had made a mistake…killed me…but then it beat again….an aching dead dull thudding beat….pumping the morphine to the rest of my body….I couldn’t breathe anymore I was gasping…the pain, the almost-shock…the morphine….They snapped a mask around my face….’thank you thank you’….I stopped suffocating…Lying back , delirious, for a few minutes of peace, relishing the numbness. And then the commotion started again….x-rays and tests and examining my leg…. Exhausting me more; I still couldn’t breathe…and causing pain that I could still feel through it all…


Forms to fill in and sign…they rush someone else in on a stretcher…My dad comes in and my mom…”Why are you here?” (probably not the best response") “I’m not that bad”….- me being selfless…

My mom looked so helpless…I realised I must have looked so shit hooked up to monitors and drips and breathing apparatus in the ER…

Results came back…my dad had filled in the forms wrong saying it was my left leg…Forms changed..forms forms forms….

“Would you like some more morphine?” - “No Thank you” – me trying to be brave….

The waiting was getting too much….They got the x-rays and said that no bones were broken – everyone sighed – but I would need a sort of cast and crutches….

The 'Roger Jones' bandage…thick and huge and uncomfortable…pain pain pain as they lifted my leg….’please somebody ask me again?’

“Would you like some more more”- “Yes” – I couldn't have responded quicker….

Up it went…heard my heart stop…my breathing stop…gasping and suffocating again….But I couldn’t feel it moving like the first time…after all that morphine I shouldn’t be able to feel a thing…but I could…



Yanking off the oxygen mask…Trying to get off the bed…I needed the bathroom so badly…already three hours had passed since I had the accident…before which I had drunken an amazing coffee…For some reason the nurses were surprised that I hadn’t thrown up…I was supposed to….the pain…the morphine…


The bathroom…Wobbling on crutches to the wheel chair…my mom wheeled me into the door not thinking about my leg sticking straight out…tears….I wobbled around on the crutches came back out and asked the nurse to push me back….My dad brought the car to the emergency door since I had no proper clothes that fit over the leg…And bundled me into the car….the door just wasn't big enough….


I collapsed into the seat…completely and utterly exhausted….smsed my closest friends…and then passed clean out…waking up at home and somehow getting into bed…Still couldn't breathe….couldn’t sleep…couldn't move…couldn’t do anything…Except lie on my back and cry all night….I must have dozed off at some stage because I remember waking up the next morning thinking it was all a bad dream…something that terrible could only have been…But when I tried to get out of bed, I realised…

it wasn’t…

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Am


I am everything you want me to be
     and nothing you expect me to be
I am over the top and never do things
    in half measures
I am sarcastic and b*tchy and mean
I am friendly and happy and clean

I am unique and crazy and really
     way out
I am artistic and hate to be boxed
I am loving and kind and thoughtful
I am caring and generous and forgetful

I am clumsy and fall and hurt myself
     a lot
I am verbose and full of words and
    thoughts and images and ideas...
I am brave and careful and trustworthy
I am hardworking and don't like to get dirty

I am everything and nothing all at the
    same time
I am a figment of your imagination and
    real and alive
I am living and breathing and thinking
I am colourful and crazy and sinking

I am your shoulder to cry on when it
    all gets too much
I am your wide ear when you just
    need a person to listen
I am the slap on your back when you're choking
I am the laugh in your ears when you're joking

I am beautiful and smart and sometimes
I am the person who is always over-
     dressed in the room
I am your very best friend and worst enemy
I am nothing to you, if you're nothing to me

I am the cold glare when you are going to
     say something wrong
I am the right to your wrong when you
     want to insult
I am the clicking shoes in the hallway
I am the one who lets you do things your way

I am the one all in black in the middle
     of the ice
I am sewing and cutting and drawing at
I am the one with the very very cold hands
I am the one who you probably just can't stand

I am the one who makes you jealous
     for no reason
I am the one who you least have to worry
I am special and different and always tired
I am anywhere you like to find

I am the one who makes that music
I am the one who is always hardworking
    and persevere
I am an island so don't try to tell me otherwise
I am the person who will never tell you lies

I am angry and hurting and crying out
    my eyes
I am staying away and keeping out of
I am the one who has enemies so few
I am the one who hates you to death if you do

I am nothing you would ever expect me
    to be
I am me so don't ever try to change
I am drama and comedy and romance personified
I am who I am and you will find out, if I let you inside...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Becoming a Classic

Becoming a Classic

So my Dad has joined this classic bike club now. And we were speaking about it and stuff, and I asked how something could be a 'classic'? and he said that anything 20 years or older is considered a classic. So here I am, turning a classic very very very soon.
And am I petrified?? YES!!!!
Lol if you think Isabella Swan has a problem with Birthdays and getting older, then you sure haven't met me yet lol...

But getting to the point of this post, every year around this time I release into the universe a personal wishlist. Which can be used for Birthday, Christmas present ideas or just for any other occasion.

So here dear people of social networking sites both near and far, is my:

Personal Wishlist 2010

Stuff I really wish for:

  • Money
  • A Silver disco ball that I can hang in my room
  • A Marilyn Monroe picture/s from @Home
  • Anything to do with Stephenie Meyer/The Twilight Saga
  • Ballerina Pumps
  • A Black coat/jacket
  • scarfs/shawls/cardigans/gloves/berets in shades of black or grey are all welcome as you all know how cold I get
  • A Collectible Barbie (It should say collectible on it)
  • Photo albums/memory books are awesome
  • A tattoo
  • Twilight Saga Sheet music for the Piano
  • A stunning everyday bag (I received the most amazing evening bag last year) in a neutral colour

And of Course you can never go wrong with the following:
  • chocolate truffles
  • art supplies
  • beautiful material/fabric
  • fashion designer books
  • Anything with Zebras
  • Anything that is purple
  • Money (I like this best)
But please remember as always that the following is something that should be avoided at all costs:
  • Bubble Bath or other such bath/shower products including cream (my skin is very sensitive and allergic to most things)
  • candles - I never ever use these since I prefer bulbs
  • incense or alike - My lungs close up and I cannot breath
  • Anything pink....absolute no no

And for any sizing requirements (since it is really embarrassing to receive an extra large from someone when I am 1/3 of that):
  • Tops/jackets - 32
  • shoes - if the shop is like Woolies and is using the new sizing then 6, else 8
So there it extremely weird wishlist for this coming year, but it is a wishlist right??

Friday, March 12, 2010


This is how the union of students puts up their banners. Dunno how they gonna get it to stay there?! Lol stupid SASCO

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Last night with my sister

My sister and i at her farewell dinner, the night before she leaves for France