Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Year 2009

The Year 2009

Wow wee what a year! I can't believe that a whole year has already gone past!

What is even more scary is the fact that I have now lived through 2 decades. I was born at the start of the 'nineties' (such horrible fashion) and then lived through the 'naughties' (which at the beginning had its own fashion crimes). But what makes me feel really old is when I look at my i pod and it has a playlist called '90s classics', like wow, the nineties are classics now? before it was like the eighties or seventies...

So another year has gone past and what a year it was too.

for me the year 2009 will be remembered for the following things:

  • I went to varsity for the first time
  • I finally got my drivers license
  • I met some really awesome friends (Tim, Tom, Matt, Rigs, Binks, Nic, and so many more)
  • The person I was together with for almost 2 years and I, had a break up
  • I became closer friends with my best friend in the whole world
  • I nearly lost the same friend, when she got struck by lightening
  • I found out my sister was going to live in France for a year
  • I taught piano to lots of children, and had to run a piano school on my own for 4 months
  • I failed a subject for the first time in my life
  • I lost a great grandfather, an aunt, and two close friends
  • I had to give my rabbits away to a zoo farm
  • I started to blog (';')
  • I started pilates and jogging every morning
  • I took part in my first figure skating show
  • I began to tackle my dream of becoming a fashion designer by studying fashion design part time
  • I finally found myself
  • I learnt to appreciate life and now I absolutely love it, my new saying is "isn't life wonderful?"

In retrospect 2009 was a wonderful time for me, even though there were some really dark moments, it turns out that we can all cope with what life throws at us...

So now that the decade is over (the decade that many people thought would never even come along), here's to another one, one which I will exit from being a lot a lot older, something I don't even want to think of!


Happy New Years everyone! May it be fantastic and blessed, and in every way 2010 times better than 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

13 December

Sunday 13 December 2009

My best friend was struck by lightening on this day.
She was dead for 1.5 mins.

She was dead....

How can you possibly deal with that....
A few hours earlier she was busy on facebook, enjoying life and updating her Facebook status...
And then it happened...

I'm not sure about the details....
But somehow it just didn't matter.

It was so sudden, so unexpected...I had planned her Christmas present, was planning on seeing fact I had already started on planning for her 18th in March...And somehow, in a few seconds that was all taken away...

Granted, she came back to life a minute and a half later...Which I will be thanking God for every single day...But still...she was dead..

I cannot believe how fragile life is...and how I just didn't expect a 70 year old grandparent who was sick? Yes....but to my healthy 17 year old best way....

And yet it did happen....

Needless to say I was - am - in shock....In fact I had to drink a whole bottle of rescue remedy just to help me sleep that night...
And telling other people...well that is probably the hardest do you tell someone that your best friend is lying in ICU because she got struck by lightening???

It sounds so unbelievable doesn't it?...I mean my sister actually laughed from pure disbelief and shock the first time I told her....

And so I sit here now...a whole two days later...and I am still in shock...yet I want to make my best friend's life even more amazing than before...I want to make sure that I treasure her and tell her how much I love her every single day....because I honestly can't believe how unexpected life is...

Love you k my Angel