Thursday, November 11, 2010

Comp.-Sci. Notes: Logical Addressing

I’ve never been a person who does things ‘inside a box’ or in a specific, orderly way. As such I’ve never believed in studying things in order. But rather cover the work I’m not very sure of (read: didn’t study for the previous test) first. So with that having been said I will now do the ‘Network Layer-Logical Addressing’.


IPv4 Addresses:

IPv4 Address:

  • 32 bits long
  • unique (each address defines one and only one connection to the Internet)
  • universal (accepted by any host connecting to the Internet)

Address Space:

  • the total number of addresses used by the protocol
  • each bit can have 2 values (1 or 0) therefore an address of N bits will have an address space and values equal to 2^N
  • IPv4 uses a 32-bit address, so the address space is
    • 2^32 = more than 4 billion (if there were no restrictions)


  • Binary Notation:
    • displayed as 32 bits or 4 bytes
    • eg: 01110101 10010101 00011101 00000010
  • Dotted Decimal Notation:
    • more compact and easier to read
    • written in decimal form with a decimal point separating the bytes(every 8 bits)
    • eg:


  • each weight is 2^pos where pos is the position of the bit
  • eg: at position 0 it is 2^0 = 1, at position 1 it is 2^1 = 2

Binary to Decimal:

  • Multiply each symbol by it’s weight
  • Then add the results
  • eg: for binary 1001110

                       1     0     0    1    1    1    0

pos:              6      5     4    3    2    1    0

2^pos:          64   32   16   8   4    2    1

multiply:   65    0      0    8    4    2    0


Add:           65+8+4+2 = 78

therefore the decimal is 78

Decimal to Binary:

  • Divide the number by 2 which becomes the ‘quotient’
  • Write down the remainder (1 or 0) which is ‘the least significant binary digit’
  • then divide the quotient by 2 and write down the new remainder in the next position
  • (continue until the quotient becomes 0)
  • eg: for decimal 78

78 / 2 = 39   r = 0

39/ 2 = 19    r = 1

19/ 2 = 9      r = 1

9 / 2 = 4      r = 1

4 / 2 = 2      r = 0

2 / 2 = 1      r = 0

1 / 2 = 0      r = 1


Therefore the binary notation is: 1001110


Classful Addressing:

  • Address space is divided into 5 classes – A, B, C, D, E
  • In Binary notation – use the first few bits
    • Class A : 0
    • Class B :  10
    • Class C :  110
    • Class D :  1110
    • Class E  :  1111
  • In Decimal notation –use the first byte
    • Class A : 0 – 127
    • Class B : 128 – 191
    • Class C : 192 – 223
    • Class D : 224 – 239
    • Class E : 240 – 255

Classes and Blocks:

Class    Number of Blocks    Block Size        Application

  A           128                               16777216            Unicast

  B            16384                           65536                  Unicast

  C            2097152                      256                       Unicast

   D           1                                   268435456          Multicast

   E            1                                   268435456          Multicast

Therefore it can be seen that a large part of the available address space was wasted in classful addressing

Netid and hostid:

  • Only given to Classes A, B, C
  • Class A – 1 byte netid, 3 bytes hostid
  • Class B – 2 bytes netid, 2 bytes hostid
  • Class c – 3 bytes netid, 1 byte hostid


  • although the netid and hostid are predetermined, a mask can also be used
  • 32 bit number
  • contiguous 1s followed by contiguous 0s

Default masks for classful addressing:

Class Binary                                                                Decimal       CIDR

A     11111111 00000000 00000000 000000000        /8

B      11111111 11111111 00000000 000000000   /16

C      11111111 11111111 11111111 000000000

CDIR = Classless Interdomain Routing = mask = /n (n = bits)


  • Only Class A or B
  • divide the addresses into several contiguous groups
  • each small group  assigned is called a subnet
  • this increases the number of 1s in the mask


  • only Class C
  • combine several class C blocks to  create a supernet
  • decreases the number of 1s in the mask
  • eg: if combining 4 class Cs, the mask would change from/24 to /22

Classless Addressing:

Address Blocks:

  • the size of the block is not fixed but varies
  • Three rules:
  •           - the addresses in a block must be contiguous
  •           - the number of addresses in a block must be a power of 2 (1,2, 4,8….)
  •           - the 1st address must be evenly divisible by the number of addresses


  • can take any value from 0 –32 in classless
  • a block of addresses  take the form:
  •            - x.y.z.t /n

First Address:

  • convert the address to binary
  • 32 - n
  • set the 32 – n right-most bits to 0s
  • then convert back to decimal

Last Address:

  • convert the address to binary
  • 32 - n
  • set the 32 - n right-most bits to 1s
  • then convert back to decimal

Number of Address:

  • the difference between the last and first address
  • use the formula 2^(32-n)

Network Address:

  • the 1st address in a class of addresses is the network address
  • it defines the organisation to the rest of the world

Two level Hierarchy – no subnetting:

  • the n left-most bits define the network (common to all addresses in the network)
  • the 32 – n right-most bits define the host to the network (change from device to device)

Three level Hierarchy – subnetting:

      To subnet within an organisation and change the host:

  • take the original mask of /n
  • take the number of addresses needed for the first subblock and make it equal m
  • use the formula 2^(32-n) = m
  • workout what n must be, and that is your new mask(continue for all subblocks)

Network Address Translation (NAT):

Absolutely nothing I feel like making notes on in this section. It looks completely boring and exactly like the subnetting I have just done. So that’s that, next section:

IPv6 Addresses:

  • 16 bytes or 128 bits long

Hexidecimal Colon Notation:

  • each address is divided into 8 sections of 2-bytes each
  • 2 bytes represents 4 hexadecimal digits
  • therefore the address consists of 32 hexadecimal digits
  • every four digits is separated by a colon
  • eg: FDEC:0074:0000:0000:0000:B0FF:0000:FFFF


  • leading 0s of a section can be dropped
  • not trailing 0s
  • if the section is only 0s then one 0 must be left behind

Address Space:

  • larger address space of 2^128

The rest of this chapter is not for studying!!! YAYNESS!!! :D one down, only 13 more to go…

Comp.-Sci. Notes: Summary

So after much self bribery and deals that have never seemed to work. I have had to turn to publishing my study notes as blog entries; so as to trick myself into thinking that I’m not actually studying, but instead being creative. So herewith follows my Computer Science 2B study notes on Data Communications and Networking. Even though they have been based on a textbook and other coursework, I have added my own personal comments and notes. And of course made them objective and fun. Enjoy! (you have my full permission to use these for your own use, just make sure you extract the facts ;-) )


Here is a mind-map of the work that will be covered:

CSC2B mindmap















It looks so easy, almost no work. But its actually 14 chapters worth, and who knows how many thousands of pages. So on that note. Lets begin. *sigh*